Is Sensor & Associates Right for You?

Are you a high-performing leader driven to achieve results? Perhaps at times you would appreciate a sounding board that you trust implicitly whose only interest is your success? Would you value support in peeling back the complexity of your most important challenges, achieving insight and path forward to confidently address the issues? Inspired leaders across industries that answer yes to these questions turn to experienced and skilled executive coaches. At Sensor & Associates, we have been in your shoes.

Our Founder, Wayne Sensor, has over 30 years’ experience as a CEO.
His experience, virtually unheard of in the coaching industry, informs our coaching approach and helps to assure you will achieve your desired results


Sensor & Associates is a boutique consulting firm offering Executive Coaching and Board Development. The services are all based on Wayne Sensor’s passion for developing talent. Regardless of how you partner with Sensor & Associates, it’s all about helping you achieve results.

Services We Offer

Executive Coaching

An executive coach can be a powerful resource to help you achieve results.


In some cases, your coach’s content expertise may align with a particular challenge your organization is facing.

Board Development

Governing boards today have a tremendous responsibility.

Executive Coaching - 3 Phase Approach

At Sensor & Associates, we use a proven process to help our client achieve results.
  • Immersive client interview
  • 360 degree verbal assessment
  • Self assessment
  • Direct observation
  • Company data as appropriate
  • Identify challenges, issues
  • Choose new leadership habit to build on
  • Identify measurable metrics, goals
  • Create Leader Dashboard
  • Track performance goals
  • Track behavioral changes
  • Monthly debrief with sponsor (if applicable)
  • Repeat 360 degree assessment, 3-6 months
  • Celebrate success
  • Recalibrate, adjust and repeat

Meeting on your Terms

How we will meet is entirely up to you, the client. Most typically you would meet with your coach face-to-face the first time. Your coach will often initially spend time on-site performing 360-degree verbal assessments with relevant colleagues, superiors, and board leadership. After which most clients prefer bi-weekly meetings by phone or zoom with quarterly face-to-face meetings.

Schedule a call with a certified executive coach at no cost and no obligation to learn more about coaching or email us at

Write us:

Wayne Sensor

Executive Coaching, Group Coaching, Board Development

Wayne Sensor is the Founder and Managing Partner of Sensor & Associates. He has been a hospital and hospital system CEO for the majority of his professional career. He has lead hospitals out of crisis and taken health systems onto the national stage based on clinical and financial performance. Most recently Wayne has lead several early stage, private equity backed health services companies through rapid growth and scaling.

Throughout his career he has driven results by building high performing teams and personally developing talent around him. Executive coaching is an extension of his lifelong commitment and personal passion to developing leaders.

Wayne earned a Bachelors degree in Business from University of Northern Iowa and a Masters in Business Administration from St. Ambrose University. He is a Certified Coach by the Center for Executive Coaching.

Areas of Expertise

It is firmly held in the coaching field that a coach does not need to be a content expert in the same field as the client. Not only is the client already an expert in their field, but they are also usually surrounded by other experts as well. That said, coaches often develop areas of work that correspond to their experience and interests. At Sensor & Associates, our areas of interest are:
  • Healthcare
  • New leaders/CEO’s
  • CFO’s (or other technical roles) moving into CEO/Leadership roles

The Coaching Experience

Wayne talks about the essence of coaching

The impact of coaching

According to most studies, coaching returns $4 - $8 for every dollar invested. In some cases, the return can be even much higher. In addition, clients in a good coaching relationship often experience improved job satisfaction, reduced stress and even positive impact in their personal lives.


At Sensor & Associates, we utilize a simply letter of agreement to capture the intent of the parties. The agreements are typically for 6 months. Pricing is unique to a specific coaching situation. Fees are monthly and typically range from $2,000 - $3,000/month.

Executive Coaching

Per Month
$2,000 - $3,000/month based on scope of the engagement
Includes all assessments and other tools utilized
On site work – all expenses plus $500/day per diem

Group Coaching

Per Month
$4,000 - $5,000/month based on scope of the engagement
Includes all assessments and other tools utilized, 4-6 participants
On site work – all expenses plus $500/day per diem

Board Development

Per Month
Custom proposal based on needs of the client
Typical fees range $25,000 - $35,000 for 6 month engagement
Newt Gingrich

In the years I worked with Wayne Sensor on health issues I found him to be remarkably effective, knowledgeable, energetic and problem solving. He is both an effective manager and a real visionary. His years of experience make him an impressive mentor and coach for entrepreneurs and managers.

Newt Gingrich

Former Speaker of the House of Representatives
Joe Fifer

Wayne is a natural coach and true professional. Building on his years of experience as a CEO, Wayne had the remarkable ability to help me gain insight, while serving as a catalyst in my achieving my goals. As I made the move from CFO to CEO, Wayne was by my side to help navigate the challenges that lead to my successful transition.  Wayne is a coach who leads with honesty and authenticity and he directly contributed to my growth as a leader.

Joe Fifer

Former Chief Executive Officer | Healthcare Financial Management Association
Mike Nelson

Wayne is a gifted executive that brings insightful strategy, clear decision making and relentless and organized execution to every situation. Wayne’s leadership is instinctual, a natural extension of who he is.

I had the pleasure of working closely with Wayne during his time at Leavitt Partners. I worked with him on many high profile projects with C-level healthcare executives. He is comfortable and confident in every situation, and his genuine leadership builds trust and confidence with those around him.

Aside from being an exceptional leader, he is also a thoughtful and compassionate human that treats people with respect. Wayne is the type of leader I want in every situation.

Mike Nelson

Global VP of Digital Trust | Digicert
Pat Keel, EVP

I have had the incredible fortune to have worked for Wayne for decades. His insightful and constructive feedback combined with his experience and knowledge have significantly contributed to my successes in my career and life. There is no doubt I would not be the leader I am today without his invaluable coaching.

Pat Keel, EVP

Chief Financial and Administrative Officer | St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital